

Black Torture : Blasphemous Ritual

7' (33RPM)

The killer Abhorer worship cover was executed by Heidi Kettunen from Finland. Fantastic work!

Comes with a double sided insert, containing a photo collage and their only interview.


It's quite fair to say that not many had heard of Black Torture before this re-release. Only a few people in Brazil, USA and Singapore remembered this killer horde that delivered perfect Abhorer-like Black/Death Metal in the early 2000's before disappearing into obscurity. This release was possible thanks to the owner of the original label Hand Numbered distro. 

This 7inch includes an exclusive song "Exkruzio" which is the name they took after Black Torture splitted up. That's their very last recording. Somehow nobody from Metal-archives and Discogs took the time to read the actual back cover and never mentioned it (while it's clearly written in the tracklist).