

Necrodeus : Womb of Sathanas


The tape was repressed after being sold out. The only difference is that the second press cover was printed on recycled paper, hence the whites are a little more greyish. But honestly who gives a shit?

Original flyer designed by myself, I took inspiration from an old Abaddon (Bra) flyer. Maybe I went a little too far on the name dropping...

Our first tape release, Necrodeus is a duo formed in order to worship and honours the (then even more) forgotten Brazilian necro sound from the 90ies. If names like Difamator, Belphegoredon or Sarcastic Blasphemer sounds like something you'd appreciate, then Necrodeus should be a killer ride for you. One of these tape that's too extreme to ever get trendy. 
PS : There exists no official Necrodeus pictures or contact infos. Back when I was promoting them I used Nuctemeron and Dark Butcher/Dissector pictures which confused a few people.