

Regere Sinister / Moonfall : Eerie Realms of Hell

12' (33RPM)

Actually our second release to bear the art of Hell Kettunen. Unmissable rotten style!

Malefic Eye from RS


Two of the best contemporary Black Metal hordes gathered together, what could go wrong? Everything, I hope! I have been in constant snail mail contact with the Wictchraft temple ever since the release of the first Zombi Danz. I exchanged many letters and rare demo tapes with Goatprayer so it made perfect sense to finally release somehting together. I already had the first Moonfall tape, but man, that new material is simply fantastic. In one of his letter, Goatprayer mentioned a new finnish band called Regere Sinister. As I was already in touch with Malefic Eye for the cover of Black Torture, we agreed for a trade for the RS tape! I was completely blown away by the total darkness of their music so I offered them to do something together and this split came out!